East Sixth Street
MT 59711
They are not reproductions, they are not replicas . . they are the real thing . . |
Since the late 19th and early 20th century cast iron lampposts have been manufactured at the AFFCO foundry. AFFCO retains and manufactures its lampposts from the same patterns commissioned in that era. These lampposts are not reproductions, but exact duplicates of those from a bygone era. The only changes that have been made include electrical componentry, many safety features, updating the electrics to conform to contemporary code and the provision of vandal proof apparatus.
The lampposts come in varying styles, heights and globe configurations. These are true cast iron lampposts and not reproductions manufactured of other frailer materials.
Click here to review the many models of lampposts, assess their specifications and have the opportunity to own an authentic lamppost from the past. On request AFFCO can redesign lampposts to meet specific code for your highway, street, housing development or neighborhood. |