Historical Background
Montana Iron Foundries
Development of foundries in Montana, as
with other manufacturing enterprises, was directly associated with
large-scale mining and ore refining. At first, most of the equipment
needed by the industry was transported by railroad from outside the
region. However, local foundry works soon emerged to provide mining and
milling companies with a quicker and cheaper alternative to distant
In 1894, reports from the Montana Bureau of
Agriculture, Labor and Industry show that there ere eight foundries and
associated machine shops in Montana; two years later, there were eleven.
In 1897, the number fell to eight, but by 1898 it had risen back to ten.
The 1898 report stated that the manufacture of castings and machinery for
mines constituted the larger part of foundry work, although most of the
work was not done for the larger mines, which had their own machine shops.
During the five years covered by the reports, the number of men employed
in the foundry industry only once rose above 500, in 1896. The foundry
business was a small but important part of Montana industry. For all of
its mineral wealth, Montana never produced significant amounts of iron
ore; therefore, all iron and steel fabricating relied on sources from
outside the State.
Montana's 19th century foundries were
concentrated in established industrial centers, such as Helena, Great
Falls, and Butte. As early as 1886, the Helena Iron Works manufactured
steam engines and farm implements, in addition to mining equipment. By
1896, Great Falls had at least one foundry/machine shop firm, the Great
Falls Iron Works. During the 1880s and 1890s, Butte had several foundries, including the Lexington, Butte Foundry and Machine Shop, and the
Montana Iron Works. One of the early foundries in Butte was Tuttle and
Company, which was founded in 1881. In 1890, Western Iron Works was
incorporated, with a new foundry near the Parrot smelter on the southeast
edge of the city. All of these firms specialized in the manufacture of
castings and machinery for mines and smelters. Montana Iron Works became
particularly well-known for its manufacture of a mine timber framing
Tuttle Manufacturing and
Supply Company
By 1890, Montana was producing 50 percent
of all copper mined in the United States, and had overtaken Michigan as
the nation's leading source of the metal. ACM (Anaconda Mining Company) had now grown into one of
the great foundations of the copper industry. Marcus Daly, superintendent
and mastermind of the company, oversaw the operation of a vast industrial
complex, comprised of numerous mines on the Butte hill and the smelters in
Anaconda. At the same time, these smelters made up the largest non-ferrous
metallurgical plant in the world.
In the interest of economy and efficient
operation, Daly recognized the logic in controlling all aspects of copper
production, including auxiliary industries. By the mid-1890s, ACM owned
such subsidiaries and departments as an ore-hauling railway, an electrical
power and street railway company, and a brick factory. Daly also realized
the need for another component to his system - a foundry and machine shop
Several factors probably encouraged
construction of a foundry. In 1889, ACM completed a new addition to its
smelter facilities, called the Lower Works. The sheer size of ACM's
operations created a demand for foundry and machine shop products that
local independent manufacturers could not meet. Products from distant
foundries cost more than those produced locally, and long-distance
railroad transportation inhibited fast delivery of essential parts.
Exactly when Daly made the decision to
build a foundry is unclear, but some time before 1890, he had joined
forces with an industrial contractor named Shelley Tuttle and began
planning for the new factory. They chose a 30-acre tract on the southeast
edge of Anaconda, abutting the foothills of nearby Mt. Haggin. During
early September of 1889, workmen started excavating for the foundations
of various foundry buildings. On December 12, the Anaconda Weekly Review
reported that the machine shops at the Upper and Lower Works and at
Carroll would soon be moved to the foundry. The whole factory was probably
in place by the end of January.
When completed, the complex included a
foundry, machine shop, boiler and blacksmith shop, pattern shop, wareho
and storage facilities, and an office (Fig. 26). All of the new structures were
built with brick walls, no doubt an attempt to reduce the danger of fire.
The new wooden buildings of the Lower Works had burned upon completion in
March 1889; ACM immediately rebuilt them of steel columns and corrugated
metal, at great expense. The lesson of the great conflagration was applied
elsewhere. Almost all subsequent buildings, including some at the
foundry, were designed to resist fire.
On January 27, 1890, Tuttle, Daly, and
Dennis F. Hallahan, one of Daly's business associates, incorporated the
foundry as The Tuttle Manufacturing and Supply Company. The capital stock
of the firm was set at $100,000. In addition to running a foundry, the
men laid out as official objectives the operation of a machine and boiler
works and the sale of hardware, mining supplies and machinery. Although
the business carried Tuttle's name, Daly had controlling interest,
insuring that the foundry would operate more or less as a subsidiary of
ACM. Another manufactory subordinate, the Standard Fire Brick Company, was
also incorporated in 1890.
By the end of 1890, the Tuttle
Manufacturing and Supply Company was in full production. A staff of
molders, pattern makers, machinists and blacksmiths operated the plant
and began turning out all manner of foundry products. The company soon
opened an office and warehouse at the smelter site, between the Upper and
Lower Works.
As the Reduction Works underwent
technological improvements and expansions, the Tuttle Company manufactured
a multitude of metal objects required to maintain operations. This
included all types of machinery replacement parts (especially for devices
such as ore concentrating mills and roasting and smelting furnaces), mill
balls, car wheels, gears and sheave wheels (Fig. 27). Besides iron, the foundry also
made castings of brass (pipe and pum
p parts), and fabricated some items
from bar and sheet steel (boilers, trusses, girders) shipped to the
foundry by railroad. As ACM's mills and smelters grew, so did the foundry,
increasing in size and capacity to meet the demand for larger and more
complex metal products.
True to its stated purpose, the Tuttle
Company expanded into general sales of hardware, machines, and mining
supplies. On August 11, 1890, Shelley Tuttle purchased the stock of goods
and merchandise of the Butte Trading Company for $47,000. By 1891, the
Tuttle Company operated hardware stores in Butte and Missoula. The firm
eventually advertised the sale of heavy mining machinery, such as
Ingersoll Sargeant rock drills, and Knowles and Cameron steam pumps, as
well as domestic items, including Garland stoves and ranges and all types
of home furnishing goods. Sales for 1890 totaled $760,000. In time, the
company began serving customers throughout the northern Rocky Mountain
By the close of 1894, the Tuttle foundry
works employed 175 men, including 60 in the molding department, 45 in the
machine shop, 22 in the boiler shop, 20 in the blacksmith shop, 12 in the
pattern shop, 20 general laborers, and assorted clerks and foremen.
In terms of numbers of workers, the Tuttle foundry was the largest in
Furthermore, during 1894, the foundry
manufactured a monthly average of 250 tons of castings, and the boiler
shop fabricated 30 carloads of sheet steel into useful products. The
foundry contributed to the prosperity of the town of Anaconda and became a
source of civic pride while local politicians competed with Helena for the
privilege of becoming the State capital. The Anaconda Standard boasted ...
the Tuttle Company had no superior in the West in terms of facility for
quick work and for meeting every demand made upon it for repairs to mining
or smelting machinery.
Foundry Department of the
Anaconda Copper Mining Company
In early 1896, Shelley Tuttle sold his
share of the foundry, and the Tuttle Company underwent a reorganization.
Michael Donahoe and J.A. Dunlap, both Daly associates, joined the board of
trustees. Stock was reapportioned so that Daly held nearly every share. On
May 27, 1896, the men voted to transfer the ownership of the Tuttle
Manufacturing and Supply Company to the Anaconda Copper Mining Company
for the sum of one dollar.
During 1896, Anaconda absorbed several
other incorporated companies which had always performed functions
essential to Daly's copper production system: Anaconda Water Company,
Anaconda Townsite Company, Electric Light and Power, Street Railway
Company, Standard Fire Brick Company, and the Montana Hotel Association.
Also in the ACM portfolio were coal mines, coke-making facilities and
stores at Belt, sawmills and stores in Hamilton, as well as the Butte,
Anaconda and Pacific Railway which hauled ore from Butte to Anaconda.
According to a 1896 ACM board of trustees
report, ACM had invested $4,755,399 in its various subordinate
industries. The report expressed confidence in the years ahead, stating
that ... now the capacity of these several plants is believed to be equal
to any future requirements. More importantly, ACM received reduced prices
on goods and services from its subsidiary departments and avoided the
problems of having to deal with sovereign firms. In discussing the
company's late 19th century stature, historian Michael Malone called ACM
... one of the great American corporations independent, beautifully
integrated, conservatively capitalized, and astutely managed.
After becoming a department of ACM, the
foundry expanded its productive capacity. By 1896, over 300 men worked at
the plant. Four years later, the number had risen to a workforce of nearly
450. That same year (according to the Anaconda Standard), the foundry made
25 tons of castings daily and over 600 tons each month, a substantial
increase since 1894. Some of the equipment manufactured at the Foundry
Department was of substantial size. For example, Engineering and Mining
Journal reported on December 19, 1896, that the foundry was in the process
of fabricating nine-ton skips (ore containers) to accompany a mammoth
hoisting engine (called the "Aztec") at the Mountain
Consolidated mine in Butte.
ACM also began advertising parts and
equipment for sale to regional mining and milling companies in an attempt
to compete against eastern manufacturers. In 1896, the Foundry Department
distributed its first (and apparently only) catalog. The glossy 262-page
publication noted ... that the association of the foundry to the great
mines in Butte and the famous smelters in Anaconda endowed the factory
with the experience needed to produce superior wares. The catalog
directed the attention of mining men and engineers to the ability of the
department to fill all orders for general mining machinery, which they had
been in the habit of placing in eastern cities. This competitiveness with
eastern manufacturers was echoed in subsequent advertising.
Among the more notable ACM-made products
listed in the catalog was a patented, self-oiling mine car axle (more than
3,000 sets were sold within two years), a variety of mine cars, boilers,
hoists, concentrators, furnaces and ore stamp batteries. And, as the
catalog made clear, the Foundry Department was prepared to furnish the
machinery for any size mill, or contract for the erection of same,
complete, and in running order on the ground. In addition to its own
manufactures, ACM sold such well- known machines and equipment as Buffalo
blowers, Roebling's wire rope, Corliss engines, Pelton water wheels and
Fairbanks scales.
Furthermore, the Foundry Department
fabricated machinery and equipment not included in the catalog. Sometime
near the turn of the century, the plant branched out into production of
implements for gold dredging. Workmen built and repaired gold dredging
machinery for companies in Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, British Columbia and
Utah. The foundry also cast a variety of architectural members and
ornaments, such as store fronts and lampposts, some of which still adorn
buildings and streets in the city of Anaconda.
Aside from boilers, the foundry also made
the plant's most spectacular products. With the aid of a hydraulic
riveting machine, workmen put together girders and smokestacks. According
to an article in the Anaconda Standard in 1900, boilermen had built and
erected the highest self-supporting steel stacks in Butte. The boiler shop
also made ore bins for the mines in Butte, and although there is no direct
evidence showing a connection between the boiler shop and the famous mine
headframes, the shop obviously had the capability to manufacture them. In
fact, a measured drawing that was later discovered in the Foundry
Department office depicts a large steel headframe similar to those in
Throughout its history and up until its
closure in 1980, the foundry operated as an integral part of ACM's
gigantic industrial system, fulfilling the needs of mines and smelters as
well as those of independent businesses. It served as one of the largest
and most important subordinate operations, at least in terms of machines,
equipment and manufacturing.
Anaconda Foundry and
Fabricating Company - AFFCO
The Foundry Department of the Anaconda
Copper Mining Company continued its normal operations until the 1960s,
when copper production in the area began to abate. In 1980, ARCO shut down
the Washoe smelter and all subsidiary departments due to world copper
market conditions. Soon after, three private investors, including two
former ACM engineers, bought the foundry and returned it to production. As
AFFCO, Inc., the business fills orders for mining firms throughout the
state, such as the Golden Sunlight mine near Whitehall. The AFFCO complex
has changed little over the past 65 years, although most of the foundry
operations have been updated. The plant remains the oldest, largest, and
most intact foundry works in all of Montana.
Facilities and processes - The physical
arrangement of the buildings at AFFCO clearly represent the processes
undertaken at the foundry and the movement of materials within the complex
(Fig 28). At the east end of the complex is the main foundry building,
served by a railroad spur which
connects to the mainline of the Rarus
Railroad (formerly the Butte, Anaconda & Pacific). Materials, such as
iron for casting are delivered to this area. The gin pole in the yard and
the overhead traveling crane in the foundry building is used for
unloading. Northwest of the foundry building, facing the street, is the
main office. Employees and visitors pass through the main gate due north
of the office. An employee change house is located next to the gate and
northeast of the office. At the rear of the office are several connecting
buildings: the pattern shop at the east end, a small machine shop next to
the office, and the bar iron storage building to the west. This
configuration corresponds to the operation of the facility. The pattern
shop, where carpenters construct the patterns for castings, is close to
the foundry where the casting takes place; the small machine shop is close
to the main machine shop, which is due west of the foundry and due south of
the office and small machine shop; and the bar storage building is
adjacent to the other shops where stored materials are needed. The large
pattern storage building is north of the foundry and east of the pattern
shop for easy access by workers at both locations.
Materials are delivered to the east end of
the foundry; castings are moved out of the foundry to the west and into
adjoining shops for further finishing and fabricating. Connected to the
west end of the foundry building is the main machine shop. The boiler shop
is connected to the west end of the machine shop. Between these shops and
the office group of buildings, a set of railroad tracks passed to the west
end of the complex, where they switch-backed and climbed the hill south of
the foundry shops so that materials could be delivered to upper levels.
North of the tracks and boiler shop, and west of the bar iron storage
building, is the blacksmith shop. Other free-standing buildings surround
the main cluster of shops, storage facilities and an office. Each of the
surrounding buildings is located in a manner which facilitates the overall
operation of the complex. North of the blacksmith shop are several garages
and a barn, which survive from the period when horses provided an
important mode of transportation. West of the complex is an additional
storage area, in which the oil house, hardware warehouse, and the
foundation of the sheet-metal warehouse are located. The gin pole in this
area was used for moving large objects to and from railroad cars. The iron
breaker and the boiler house are the major buildings on the hill south of
the complex, and they are accompanied by sheds, bins, and shacks for the
storage of tools, lumber, sand, coal, coke and scrap. The sand storage
area is located near the foundry for easy access in the making of molds.
Scrap storage is located near the iron breaker, which in turn, is located
near both the foundry and the machine shop, where quantities of scrap are
both used and generated.
AFFCO has updated many of the operations at
the foundry. The two large cupola furnaces no longer are used to melt
iron. The company has installed new electric furnaces, which do not
violate air quality standards and which allow casting of various steel
alloys. Steel flasks are used instead of wood, and a mechanical sand
conveyor and pneumatic tampers have been introduced for use in making
molds. These changes allow AFFCO to run a much more efficient operation
and to offer its customers a broader selection of steel castings. Despite
these changes, the main buildings in the complex are used much with the
same manner since the beginning of the century.
Selected Bibliography
Anaconda Copper Mining Company (n.d.),Re-
Port of Manufacturing Conditions at the Anaconda Copper Mining Company
Foundry Department, Anaconda, Montana. Anaconda Company Records, Box 172,
Folder G.123: Montana Historical Society Ar- chives, Helena.
Anaconda Copper Mining Company Foundry
Department, 1896, Catalog no. 1: Anaconda Publishing Company, Anaconda,
262 P..
Montana Department of Agriculture, Labor,
and Industry, Reports for the years ending November 30, 1893, 1894, 1895,
1896, 1897, 1898, Helena. Stanley, F.A., 1913, A Large Montana Mining
Machine Shop, in American Machinist, p. 253-259.
Tuttle Manufacturing and Supply Company,
1896, Minute Book: Anaconda Copper Mining Company Records, Box 257, Folder
3: Montana Historical Society Archives, Helena.